apollon.io.io module

apollon/io.py – General I/O functionallity.

Licensed under the terms of the BSD-3-Clause license. Copyright (C) 2019 Michael Blaß, mblass@posteo.net


FileAccessControl Descriptor for file name attributes.


array_print_opt Set format for printing numpy arrays. files_in_folder Iterate over all files in given folder. generate_outpath Compute path for feature output. load_from_pickle Load pickled data. repath Change path but keep file name. save_to_pickle Pickle some data.

class apollon.io.io.PoissonHmmEncoder(*, skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, sort_keys=False, indent=None, separators=None, default=None)

Bases: apollon.io.json.ArrayEncoder

JSON encoder for PoissonHmm.


Custon default JSON encoder. Properly handles <class ‘PoissonHMM’>.

Note: Falls back to ArrayEncoder for all types that do not implement a to_dict() method.


o (any) Object to encode.



class apollon.io.io.WavFileAccessControl

Bases: object

Control initialization and access to the file attribute of class:AudioData.

This assures that the path indeed points to a file, which has to be a .wav file. Otherwise an error is raised. The path to the file is saved as absolute path and the attribute is read-only.

apollon.io.io.array_print_opt(*args, **kwargs)

Set print format for numpy arrays.

Thanks to unutbu: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2891790/how-to-pretty-print-a- numpy-array-without-scientific-notation-and-with-given-pre

apollon.io.io.generate_outpath(in_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], out_path: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]], suffix: Optional[str] = None)Union[str, pathlib.Path]

Generates file paths for feature und HMM output files.

If out_path is None, the basename of in_path is taken with the extension replaced by suffix.

  • in_path – Path to file under analysis.

  • out_path – Commandline argument.

  • suffix – File extension.


Valid output path.

apollon.io.io.load_from_npy(path: Union[str, pathlib.Path])numpy.ndarray

Load data from numpy’s binary format.


path – File path.


Data as numpy array.

apollon.io.io.load_from_pickle(path: Union[str, pathlib.Path])Any

Load a pickled file.


path – Path to file.


Unpickled object

apollon.io.io.repath(current_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], new_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], ext: Optional[str] = None)Union[str, pathlib.Path]

Change the path and keep the file name. Optinally change the extension, too.

  • current_path – The path to change.

  • new_path – The new path.

  • ext – Change file extension if ext is not None.


New path.

apollon.io.io.save_to_npy(data: numpy.ndarray, path: Union[str, pathlib.Path])None

Save an array to numpy binary format without using pickle.

  • data – Numpy array.

  • path – Path to save the file.

apollon.io.io.save_to_pickle(data: Any, path: Union[str, pathlib.Path])None

Pickles data to path.

  • data – Pickleable object.

  • path – Path to save the file.